Thursday, January 30, 2020

Bill Gates And Steve Jobs Essay Example for Free

Bill Gates And Steve Jobs Essay Many people look at Steve Jobs and Bill Gates as two rivals. A lot of opinions can be expressed regarding these two geniuses. The two are celebrities at their own right. Their similarities and differences are emphasized probably because their contributions to the society are both important but are different relative to the other. People were divided as fan of PC and as a fan of Mac. Many people argue that one is better than the other. One type of computer-user says that one is better depending on how you use your computer. For example, gamers find it troublesome to use the Mac while other computer-users find the PC more troublesome than Mac. Although Gates is not Microsoft, as Jobs is not Apple, people commonly think of Gates when we talk of Microsoft, and of Microsoft when we talk about Gates. The same is true for Jobs and his Apple. But how do Gates and Jobs differ from each other? Both were not able to get a college diploma. Despite of that, they were able to become successful and are now household names. They created their own companies which are big companies now, and that goes to show that the two has excellent leadership and managerial skills. Perhaps, their difference lies on their personality and on how they drive their companies to suit the needs of the people. Jobs went to Reed College while Gates went to Harvard. Both Jobs and Gates were college drop-outs. After dropping out from college, Jobs got a job as a technician in a video game manufacturer, Atari. Jobs was given a break when Atari gave him the task to create a circuit board for a video game and he was able to fulfill this task with his friend Wozniak. He got a nice pay with this work. Gates first experience with computers was when he and his friends hack Computer Center Corporation (CCC) to get extra time with the computers. They were caught and were banned by the CCC but, later, CCC hired them to find bugs for their system. Although their job was only to find bugs all over the system, they use their spare time to study about the machines. Jobs did Apple while Gates created Microsoft. The Apple was the first computer to have a graphical user interface and an on-board ROM. Microsoft, as we all know, is very popular software. Both, now, are very wealthy since the day they established their companies. Jobs has CEO position of his company which is a large innovator when it comes to computers, operating systems and softwares. During the beginnings of the apple, Jobs was only a shareholder. Although he was seated as the chairman, the decision of the company was not solely his. He has once left the company to focus not on hardwares but on softwares so he built NextStep. He wanted to have a solution to some computer problems at that time. He wanted to satisfy the needs of education with computers and has once envisioned his new sets of computers to be the computers of college students. He failed on this in a way that the consumers did not want to spend for the latest technology at that time and the NeXTstep computers were really expensive. But the software really helped out programmers so he got good reviews. He, then, formed partnerships with different companies. Apple, then, was getting weaker when Jobs left it. Jobs later returned to Apple some reconsideration. Gates, meanwhile, is a major shareholder of Microsoft. He had never left Microsoft in any way. He was focused on making it big on the market and he was very successful in that. Jobs was focused on innovating. He wanted solutions to problems. He is thinking of the needs of the people when he does his creations. This is his biggest difference with Gates. Gates and Microsoft are interested on marketing. Microsoft is concern on, at least, getting at par with their competitors. If a competitor has done something brilliant, Microsoft would find its way to have a better version of that something brilliant. Gates was often criticized as being more of a businessman than a computer genius. Jobs has once said that it is hurting the computer industry that Microsoft is killing its competitors because that also kills innovation. In fairness to Gates, he gives a lot to those who are needy. He gave millions to institutions in which he believed in. They call Gates a philanthropist for all of his donations to charity. This is one thing admirable to Gates. He has not forgotten about other people. He was sensitive. He gives back what he receives. As a leader, they are both very efficient to create such big companies. They were both able to drive these two companies to success in spite of the many competitions that are coming. They were very good in analyzing the needs of the company and the market. These two individuals show that success comes from determination, right timing, and the drive to attain it. We now have MacBooks with Microsoft in it. In their TV interview, Jobs said that the competition is over between them and that it is time to think of innovations for the future. We should be thankful to these two individuals, who have changed things since their time. We may find them as competitors, but that would be fine for competitions are healthy and it has really made them strive harder to be on top. The competition between the two, if there is, has benefited us. We can expect more from these companies in the near future. Hopefully, they would come up for more things that will make everything more convenient and a solution to security problems. Work Cited: Apple Inc. 2008. Steve Jobs. Retrieved from http://www. apple. com/pr/bios/jobs. html. Brightman, Jason. 2007. After Bill Gates, Five Possible Futures for Microsoft. Retrieved from http://www. pcworld. com/businesscenter/article/147518/after_bill_gates_five_possible_futures_for_microsoft. html. Cobweb Publishing Inc. 2008. The NeXT Years: Steve Jobs Before His Triumphant Return To Apple. Retrieved from http://lowendmac. com/orchard/06/steve-jobs-next-years. html. Mirick, John. 1996. William H. Gates III Before Microsoft. Retrieved from http://ei. cs. vt. edu/~history/Gates. Mirick. html#microsoft.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Genius of Klassik Komix :: Klassik Komix Essays

The Genius of Klassik Komix In "Klassik Komix" Steven Millhauser uses the well-known poem, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T. S. Elliot, to create an intermediary between complex poetic prose and the simplicity of the classic comic book. He uses descriptive language to beautifully capture the importance a writer's medium in the literary interpretation of his/her work while also demonstrating his love for the imagination. The original form of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is a poem, made up of poetic prose. Prose can vary in lexical makeup, which is decided by the writer, but usually consists of descriptions of subjects that allude to, and are analogous of, the underlying thoughts of the writer. This gives the lines a sense of vague beauty that allows the reader to interpret meanings in his/her own mind in contrast to simply spelling out the meanings. Poetry has the ability to evoke upon the reader a sense of reflection and deep thought in an effort to understand the message that the writer is delivering. The classic comic book is a polar opposite of the complex nature of poetry. The comic book is designed for the younger reader and possesses a simplistic nature that allows the creator to use visual media combined with short written dialog to tell a story. The pictures in a comic book are an integral part of the makeup of a comic book. The pictures allow the creator to portray the protagonist and antagonist in a way that is common to all readers. This however inhibits the use of imagination by the reader. The pictures are all an artist's interpretations of the actions and settings that make up each scene. When a person reads descriptive text with no pictures, it allows the reader to build a mental picture of each scene that is unique to his/her own personality. The comic book does not allow for this expressiveness in its prefabricated structure. Millhauser elegantly combines these two literary vehicles in his work "Klassik Komix" in a way that simplifies the form but still allows the reader to use his/her mind to draw its own pictures. "In the room women come and go / Talking of Michelangelo"(stanza 3).

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Leadership qualities of harry s. truman

Harry S. Truman became President of the United States with the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, 1945. During his nearly eight years in office, Truman confronted enormous challenges in both foreign and domestic affairs. The leadership paradigm of the Truman years represented a blend of 19th century principles and postwar austerity. He was admired for his ability to maintain his Midwestern demure while being one of the world’s most prominent leaders as President of the United States. Truman was a compromise candidate for vice president, almost an accidental president after Roosevelt’s death 12 weeks into his second term. Truman’s stunning come-from-behind victory in the 1948 election showed how ordinary Americans, perhaps, appreciated his personal qualities of integrity and straightforwardness as McCullough notes, because he was one himself. Most Americans in the 1950s did not expect that Harry Truman would become one of their most highly regarded presidents. Truman's assets were his firm personal principles, his honesty, humility, intellectual integrity, and homespun character, and his ability to speak plain truths. Regardless of his lack of preparation, these qualities enabled him to face the challenges of the cold war, make portentous decisions, and retain the respect of the electorate, who accepted him as one of them. He could be magnanimous, as in his gesture of consulting with former President Herbert Hoover, long barred from the Roosevelt White House. He could be intrepid, as in his determination to remove General Douglas MacArthur from command in Korea, in order to preserve the superiority of the civilian government over the military. In 1948 Truman won the most unexpected election upset of the century. He ultimately prevailed. Truman succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt as president before the end of World War II. He responded quickly to new challenges. Impulsive, he proved willing to make quick decisions when necessary. Additionally, he took responsibility for his decisions. His slogan, â€Å"The Buck Stops Here†, is famous in American politics. Intellectual integrity is another area in which Truman’s values are evident. A chief strength of his was the ability to admit the need for help.   By incorporating the strengths of his staff, Truman was able to make educated and well thought out decisions. He attempted to galvanize himself as a knowledgeable and effective leader. Acheson never ceased to be impressed that Truman had no trace of imperiousness about him and never let his ego to come between him and his job. Truman’s handling of Palestine is another example of his effective leadership. The issue of whether or not to create a unified Jewish state was divisive and risky. Although he left the presidency in 1953 at low ebb in his popularity, his standing rose again over the years. After his death on December 26, 1972, he achieved the status of folk hero. Songs proclaimed: â€Å"America Needs You Harry Truman.† A Broadway play, â€Å"Give ‘Em Hell, Harry† was based on his life story, and biographies of him became best sellers. Truman’s legacy has become clearer and more impressive in the years since he left office. Most scholars admit that the President faced enormous challenges domestically, internationally, and politically. While he occasionally failed to measure accurately the nation’s political tenor and committed some significant policy blunders, Truman achieved notable successes. Domestically, he took important first steps in civil rights, protected many of the New Deal’s gains, and presided over an economy that would enjoy nearly two decades of unprecedented growth. In foreign affairs, the President and his advisers established many of the basic foundations of America foreign policy, especially in American-Soviet relations, that would guide the nation in the decades ahead. On the whole, Truman is currently celebrated by the public, politicians, and scholars alike. REFERENCE McCullough, D. (1992). Truman. New York: Simon & Schuster.            

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Capitol And Administrative Center Of Darius Empire

CH 7-12 TT Ch.7 terms 1. Medes pg. 160 A group of Indo-European language speaking people who migrated to Persia Significance- Not only did they show the Indo-European migrations, they set the foundation for the later great Achaemenid empire. 2. Persepolis pg. 162 The capitol and administrative center of Darius massive empire. Significance- The biggest city to exist at the time wit the most complex governing, city structure, and buildings of the era, a massive monument to Darius empire. 3. Satrapies pg. 163 A form of government that allowed people, called satraps, selected by the ruler to govern smaller areas, similar to states and governors. Significance- This system allowed a massive empire to be governed very efficiently 4. Qanat†¦show more content†¦Significance- 8. Cyrus The Shepherd who started the Persian Empire. Significance- Created the mighty Persian empire. 9. Free classes priests, artisans, craftsmen, merchants, and low-ranking civil servants in Persia were free servants Significance- They still worked but they were not forced to work and could live on their own. 10. Persia Governed with educated Bureaucrats who directly changed and had an influence on the Empire Significance- Created major turmoil in Eurasia and Influenced the world, in its time. Ch.7 Timelines 1. Reign of Darius (521-486 B.C.E) pg. 162 During the reign of the greatest Achaemenid ruler he expanded his empire to the East as far as the Indus river and to the west, the black sea. Creating the largest empire the world had ever seen, he also created a vast and complex system to govern all of his land and its diversity with a coin system,taxes, and laws. 2. Persian wars (500 – 479 B.C.E) pg 165 The rebellion of the Greeks whom of which were controlled by the Persians, and they attempted suppression of the rebellions. 3. Battle of Gaugemela (331 B.C.E) Pg 166 This marks the end of the great Achaemenid empire created by Cyrus and Brought down by Alexander of Macedon. 4. Achaemenid Empire (558-330 B.C.E) pg 160 The largest empire in its time, setting one of the first complex governing ,administrative, and taxation based societies in the world. Separated into 23 satrapies 5. Battle of Marathon A